Best student paper award in ICCC 2017

Mar 27, 2018

The paper "User Association and Backhaul Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Heterogeneous Networks in the Millimeter-Wave Band" obtained the best paper award at the 2017 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communication in China, in which the award ratio was only 0.18%.


This paper is invited by China Communications (Journal) to extend the content and publish as "User Association and Wireless Backhaul Bandwidth Allocation for 5G Heterogeneous Networks in the Millimeter-Wave Band". This paper is fortunately selected as the cover article of China Communications in the 4th Issue of 2018.

The authors used the RT platform to realize practical channels to support algorithm evaluations in the Manhattan scenario and the rural scenario. The advantages of using RT as an effective evaluation method includes:

  1. Support site-specific evaluation of the proposed algorithm;
  2. Support large frequency range, from sub 6 GHz to mmWave, wich complete propagation mechanisms as LOS, transmitted, reflection, scattering and diffraction models with reliable EM parameters;
  3. Support massive MIMO channel realization for beamforming technologies.